For most people and myself included – life is viewed as a series of steps to achieve some end goal, at which point you can exhale and lift your feet up.
Kind of like trekking to the mountain top, once you are at the top you brew a cup of tea, take of your shoes and you are set.
For the better or for the worse, I have realized that in life, there is no end place.
There is no final destination.
There is no highest place.
There is no place to run for cover because if there was such a place we should just stay there.
In reality, no matter where you are – you have to keep moving forward and persevering.
If you are rich and you stop moving, you very quickly lose it all.
If you are married and you don’t put effort and sacrifice into the relationship it will deteriorate either to the point of ending or to the point where it doesn’t make you happy.
There is no stopping. There is no cover. There is no quiet place.
Keep running, friends.

What do you think?